CTWUG Glossary

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Cape Town Wireless User Group as defined by the Constitution.
A CTWUG member as defined by the Constitution.
CTWUG owned high site
A high site whose network equipment is entirely owned by CTWUG, and whose building owner has a working relationship with CTWUG granting access to the premises.
Private high site
A high site whose network equipment is partly or entirely owned by a private entity other than CTWUG.
Area high site
A high site where 100% of traffic is either originated or terminated by the area in question.
Peer high site
A high site directly connected to another high site by way of a Point-to-Point link.
Point-to-Point link
A network connection between only 2 network devices.
Point-to-Multipoint link
A network connection between 3 or more network devices, all sharing a single broadcast domain.
Backbone high site
A high site with 1 or more backbone links to other Backbone high sites.
Backbone link
A Point-to-Point link between transit routers.
Transit router
A router with one or more network interfaces carrying traffic with IP addresses both originated and terminated by high sites other than that which hosts the router in question.
Temporary down time
A period of service disruption lasting between 10 minutes and 12 hours.
Long-term down time
A period of service disruption lasting more than 12 hours.
Forward-confirmed reverse DNS
An IP address that can be resolved to a DNS name, and whose resulting DNS name resolves to the original IP address.
IP address allocation
The act of reserving and recording the intended use of an IP address block.
IP address assignment
The act of marking active an IP address block, as in the case of assigning a Wugger IP addresses for use on his LAN.