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Welcome to JellyBean


Mount View Complex

WiND Node


rb1 - RB951Ui-2HnD - Home Network

     MetaROUTER    - SMV Node via Ethernet Cable

rb2 - RB433AH

     ether1 - rb1
     ether2 - rb3
     ether3 - rb4
     wlan1  - R52n - Backbone to Ironman
     wlan2  - R52n - Backbone to Fubar

rb3 - RB711GA-5HnD

     ether1 - rb1
     wlan1  -      - Backbone to IO

rb4 - RB433L

     ether1 - rb2
     wlan1  - R52n - Backbone to ScoopNode

Site Diagram

graph {
	graph [label="JellyBean", labelloc="t"]
	rb2 [shape=Mrecord, label="{rb1 [RB433AH]|{{<e1> ether1|<e2> ether2|<e3> ether3}|<s1> switch1|<b1> bridge|}}", fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled]
	rb3 [shape=Mrecord, label="{rb2 [RB711GA]|{<w1> wlan1|<e1> ether1}}", fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled]
	rb4 [shape=Mrecord, label="{rb4 [RB433L]|{<e1> ether1|<e2> ether2|<e3> ether3|<w1> wlan1|<w2> wlan2}}", fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled]
	hs1 [shape=circle, label="Ariel", fillcolor="pink", style="bold, filled"]
	hs2 [shape=circle, label="Pilgrim", fillcolor="pink", style="bold, filled"]
	hs3 [shape=circle, label="Phebos", fillcolor="pink", style="bold, filled"]
	hs4 [shape=circle, label="Sneaki", fillcolor="pink", style="bold, filled"]
	lan1 [shape=octagon, label="High Site\nLAN", fillcolor=green3, style="filled"]
	lan2 [shape=octagon, label="Backbone\nLAN", fillcolor=green3, style="filled"]
	rb2:w1 -- hs3 [color=red, style=bold]
	rb2:w2 -- hs4 [color=red, style=bold]
	rb3:w1 -- hs1 [color=red, style=bold]
	rb3:w2 -- hs2 [color=red, style=bold]
	rb2:e1 -- lan2 [color=green]
	rb3:e1 -- lan2 [color=green]
	lan2 -- rb1:b1 [color=green]
	rb1:s1 -- lan1 [color=green]
	rb4:e1 -- lan1 [color=green]
	lan1 -- rb5:e1 [color=green]
	lan1 -- rb6:e1 [color=green]
	lan1 -- rb7:e1 [color=green]
	rb4:w1 -- ap1
	rb5:w1 -- ap2
	rb6:w1 -- ap3
	rb7:w1 -- ap4