Main Page

From CTWUG Wiki
Revision as of 12:12, 27 January 2009 by Cyclone (talk | contribs)

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Welcome to CTWUG
This wiki currently contains 308 articles

This month's featured highsite

{{Wikipedia:Today's featured article/April 27, 2024}}

In the news



Arcade Games @ !!!.

  • CTWUG Twitter AKA Statusnet

Register on to stay updated on wug news.


  • Jabber IM Service

Link to our Jabber server on


Please note, this wiki is still in it's early development phase, so please take it slow, many sections will be added, reworked, removed, re-added, and changed over the next while. If you do feel you'd like something on a page, or a section added, please use the 'discussion' feature. The tab is above any pages that you view.


Who and what is CTwug? Easy, we are the biggest single free and permanent wireless user group in the Western Cape. How do we do this? Member participation, and donations. We build the community ourselves, and constantly strive to improve and expand our borders, both with wireless, and with knowledge.

It is to this end that we always encourage people to join our community, and stay involved, be it in irc, highsite building, or any other activity we may embark apon. If you're not connected, feel free to ask us questions, if you are, enjoy, and help us build a more solid network.

Please note to be able to contribute to this wiki you need a registered account. Only wug users will be allowed accounts, to get your account contact a admin.