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Rage HS Power issues and alignment - 11th September 2010

The day after Rage HighSite setup , Rage died and wouldn't come back up. After some initial diagnosis by Marais, we decided that we would have to go back onsite and fix it. We also wanted to set up the link between Rage and Drake.




Marais and pmurgs meet up at 10am at Rage.



After some time and travel to Bigmikedavis, it was found that the demo license on the rb had expired :( Once this was fixed, the rb was re-installed and the grids were aligned. The link to Drake was very stable, as was the Triton link. The RB rebooted several times, but became stable.

Marais scanned Diabolix HS and the signal was a solid -65.

That evening the rb became unresponsive.


Bigmikedavis went back to Rage and diagnosed power issues. He then removed a single radio card, which left the rb with enough power to be stable.

After some setup by Marais, Drake and Silvertubes starting using the link, which was stable for approximately 5 minutes, after which the radio on Triton died.


After a lot of diagnosis, it was decided to move the Rage link from Triton2's grid to Triton2's sector @6Mbps.

This has been stable for about a week