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What is Notices

This page is a central point to list some changed that was made or does need to be made.



1. Communication - weekly emailed reports of things that happened and will be happening.
2. Need some sort of system that users can list there grievances, ideas to improve stuff.


1. Busy helping Marius out. We are in the process of devising some plans to get a tower on the mountain.


1. The following members need to change there radios names: Oortjies, Wireice and Thepeterpan (Reason: Your radio names are on default and pose a security concern, it can be sniffed and then be cloned and connect to the site as you)


1. Mayor revamp of the site in progress - chat to Wetkit if you are interested to help build the tower.
2. Users connecting to the Parow sector should start thinking of ways to add another sector, as the amount of connected clients are getting to a point were it impacts your experience.


1. A electrical pipes needs to be placed from the entrance door to the router enclosure. - Stolla is the man to contact to offer some assistance.


1. Users connecting to the Pluto sector should start thinking of ways to get another Highsite in the area, as the amount of connected clients is already at point were it impacts your experience.


1. A 2.4 Sector is in the process of being added to cover a area in the direction of Neptune to Table Mountain


1. None